ICE615: Network Security 

Fall 2002

1. Course Title Network Security
2. Course Number ICE 615
3. Professor Kwangjo Kim
4. *Lec:Exp:Cre 3:0:3
5. Lecture Times Tue./Thu. 10:30 ~ 12:00
6. Lecture Room 11101 (1st Bld. in Hwaam Campus)
7. Contact Office: 13423 (Hwaam Campus)
Tel: 042-866-6118

* Lec : Lecture(°­Àǽüö),Exp : Experiment(½ÇÇè½Ã¼ö)Cre : Credit(ÇÐÁ¡)

7. Course Objectives

This course offers how to evaluate a variety of vulnerabilities over the existing network andhow to construct security protocols and their applications by using crypto algorithms, digital signature and hash function to guarantee integrity of information and authentication of network entities. Moreover, every student can get the knowledge on a typical network authentication protocol like Kerberos, secure e-mailing system like PEM, X.400, S/MIME and PGP, emerging network security protocol like IPSEC and SET protocol and firewall.

8. Textbook

  • Required Textbook:
    • Network Security: Private Communication in a Public World , C. Kaufmann, R. Perlman, M. Speciner, Prentice Hall, 2002, ISBN 0-13-046019-2, 2nd Ed.
  • Recommended Reading Material :
    • CRYPTOGRAPHY: Theory and Practice, Dougals R. Stinson, CRC Press, ISBN 1-58488-206-9,2002, 2nd Ed.
    • Cryptography and Network Security,William Stallings, Prentice Hall,ISBN 0-13-869017-0,1998 2nd Ed.
    • Internet RFCs / Handout

8. Evaluation

Classification Midterm Exam. Quiz Final Exam. Homework Term Project Term Paper Attendance Totoal
Percentage 15% 5% 25% 15% 15% 20% 5% 100%

9. Course Schedule

Week Contents Remark
1th week Introduction & Security Requirement  
2th week Digital Signature and Hash functions TP Proposal #1
3th week Basic Cryptographic Protocols Homework#1
4th week Applied Cryptographic Protocols  
5th week Authentication System Homework#2
6th week TP Contest #1 TP Report #2
7th week Mid-term Exam.  
8th week Authentication Protocol  
9th week Kerberos Homework #3
10th week E-mail Security I  
11th week E-mail Security II Homework #4
12th week IPSEC  
13th week Web security / Firewall Homework #5
14th week TP Contest #2  
15th week Final Exam.  

 Above 'Course Schedule' is supposed to be changed depending on circumstances.

11. Term Projects in the Previous Semesters

12. Course Material

13. Term Projects

14. Grading

15. Click here to Cyber ICU

16. Teaching Assistant: Wooseok Ham