Modern Cryptography


Lecture Notes 
Free Board 
Term Project 
Useful Links 


5/17 Schedule of Term Project Final Presentation

  Check the schedule and upload your presentation material in Term Project(Term Project Proposal Presentation) section onto cyber ICU until
5/18(Tue) 11:50 pm -> In case of 1st presentation 5/23(Sun) 11:50 pm -> In case of 2nd presentation.


1st Presentation 5
1. Han, KyuSuk
2. Ren Kui

3. Kim, Hojin
4. Jang, Seong Hoon
5. Jung, Joo Young
6. Cho, Hyun-myung
7. Hong, Joon Hee

2nd Presentation 5/24(Mon)
1. Lee, Ji Hyun

2. Ko, Yangwoo
3. Yao Zhiying
4. Park, Jae Min
5. Lee, Sang Sin
6. Lee, Hae Joon
7. Jun, Woong

5/17 Homework #9

1. Homework #9 (Due :
5/19 Wed before starting Lecture)
Read the paper entitled "Optimal asymmetric encryption"  and make one page summary :
M. Bellare and P. Rogaway, Optimal asymmetric encryption, Advances in Cryptology - Eurocrypt '94, Springer-Verlag (1994), 92-111.

5/5 Homework #8

1. Homework #8 (Due :
5/12 Wed before starting Lecture)
Solve the exercise :
p.311 7.2
p.312 7.7.

4/29 IMPORTANT NOTICE for the class schedule

I'm sorry for changing class schedule again.
We will have a supplementary lecture in the same classroom on
4.30(Fri) 9:00am ~ 10:30am.

4/26 Rearrange the schedule

There is no lecture on 4.28 (Wed) because of Professor's important business trip. So, we are going to have a supplementary lecture in the same classroom on
4.30(Fri) 10:30am~11:50am.

4/23 Change the lecture schedule

There is no lecture on 4.28 (Wed) because of Professor's important business trip. So, we are going to have a supplementary lecture in the same classroom on
4.30(Fri) 9:00am~10:30am.

4/23 Homework #7

1. Homework #7 (Due :
4/30 Fri before starting Lecture)
Break DLP(Discrete Logarithm Problem):
1) p=11, log 25  =? , using exhaustive search.

2) p=29, log 215  =? , using Shank's algorithm.

4/19 Homework #6

1. Homework #6 (Due :
4/26 Mon before starting Lecture)
Solve the following problems:
1) p.222 5.16
2) p.223 5.20
3) Show the "multiplicative property of RSA" using following numbers:
p = 19, q = 23, M1 = 3, M2 = 5.

4/6 Check misprint in the Leture note

1. Misprint in DES Permutation table.
There is one misprint data "P Permutation" in the Lecture Note at DES slide #14. If you refereced it, please make sure of that.

Misprint is
16 7 20
2 29 12 28 17
1 15 23 26 5 18 31 10
2 8 24 14 32 27 3 9
19 13 30 6 22 11 4 25

Corret one is
16 7 20
21 29 12 28 17
1 15 23 26 5 18 31 10
2 8 24 14 32 27 3 9
19 13 30 6 22 11 4 25

2. Misprint in Stream Cipher
In the equation of expected values from Linear Complexity(II) - slide #15.

Misprint is
B(n) = 0 if even n, otherwise 0

Correct one is
B(n) = 0 if n is even, otherwise 1

4/1 Check Schedule

1. Supplementary Lecture
We are going to have a supplementary lecture in the same classroom on
4.5(Mon) 7:00pm~8:30pm.
Your attendance will be helpful to receive good grade in the midterm exam.

2. Midterm Exam
In the same classroom,
4.7(Wed) 10:30am~12:00pm

3/29 Homework #5

1. Homework #5
Implementation Homework -> Hand in your report with result; Also you prepare
uploading with one zip-compressed file(including source code with comments and executable file; In case of Java -> source code and class file) onto cyber ICU at 4/5(Mon) before starting lecture. And file name should include your student ID and name.
"Make Linear Distribution Table from the AES S-Box by program. Refer to p.106 Fig.3.8

3/25 Homework #4

1. Homework #4
Implementation Homework -> Hand in your report with result; Also you prepare
uploading with one zip-compressed file(including source code with comments and executable file; In case of Java -> source code and class file) onto cyber ICU at 3/31(Wed) before starting lecture. And file name should include your student ID and name.
" For DES 8 S-Boxes, implement a XDT( XOR Distrbution Table)  Generator which  is core part of the DC (Differential Cryptoanalysis)."

3/23 Homework #3 & Supplementary material

1. Homework #3 (Due :
3/29 Mon before starting Lecture)
Report your result of AES experiment using 128bit Key and 256bit Key. You can use AES resources from the Internet. However, you should understand how the procedure of AES works in the source level.
2. About supplementary material
The material(PPT File) for AES is now available in "Download" at the Cyber ICU.

3/18 Schedule of Term Project Proposal Presentation

   Check the schedule and upload your presentation material in Term Project(Term Project Proposal Presentation) section onto cyber ICU until
3/21(Sun) 10:00 pm. When you make out presentation material, you must use class ppt template in cyber ICU.  Please remind you to present briefly in 3 minute.


1. Han, KyuSuk
2. Ko, Yangwoo
3. Ren Kui
4. Yao Zhiying
5. Park, Jae Min
6. Lee, Sang Sin
7. Lee, Hae Joon
8. Jun, Woong
1. Lee, Ji Hyun
2. Kim, Dong Joo
3. Kim, Hojin
4. Jang, Seong Hoon
5. Jung, Joo Young
6. Cho, Hyun-myung
7. Hong, Joon Hee


There is one misprint data "S5-box" in the Lecture Note. If you refereced it, please make sure of using correct data in your DES implementation homework. 

Misprint S5-box is
2 12 4 1 7 10 11 6 8 5 3 15 13 0 14 9
14 11 2 12 4 7 13 1 5 0 15 10 3 9
6 8
4 2 1 11 10 13 7 8 15 9 12 5 6 3 0 14
11 8 12 7 1 14 2 13 6 15 0 9 10 4 5 3

Correct S5-box is
 2 12 4 1 7 10 11 6 8 5 3 15 13 0 14 9
14 11 2 12 4 7 13 1 5 0 15 10 3 9
8 6
4 2 1 11 10 13 7 8 15 9 12 5 6 3 0 14
11 8 12 7 1 14 2 13 6 15 0 9 10 4 5 3


Check in the "Useful Link", you can find .PS and .PDF files of reference material "Handbook of Applied Cryptography"


1. Term Project Proposal :
The due date of term project proposal is
3/15(Mon) before starting lecture. All students prepare and submit a hard copy to professor Kim. And upload your file onto cyber ICU till 11:55 pm 3/15(Mon). The file name should contain your student ID and name.

2. Homework #2
1) p.113 Problem 3.2 -> Submit your solution at
3/17(Wed) before starting lecture.
2) Implementation Homework -> Hand in your report with result; Also you prepare
uploading with one zip-compressed file(including source code with comments and executable file; In case of Java -> source code and class file) onto cyber ICU at 3/17(Wed) before starting lecture. And file name should include your student ID and name.
Implement 8 round DES using any computer language;
1. Check two cryptographic properties that are '(P,C) dependency with fixed Key' and '(K,C) dependency with fixed plaintext'
2. Check complementary property
The IP and FP stages should be ignored. (If there are IP and FP, you may receive a demerit mark)


Homework #1 announced in 3/3(Wed).
 Problems in main textbook : 1.7, 1.15, 1.18, 1.24.
 Due date :
3/10 (Wed)


The main textbook, Cryptography - Theory & Practice 2/E CRC Press, is going to be arrived at book store after 2/27(Fri) morning.


Course homepage is opend.  All of you had better to check this homepage frequently.  If you have any idea or problem, you can use free board to ask other's opinion. 



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