HW#2   Using AES program in public domain, check the followings


(1)   Decide AES-x among AES-(128, 192, 256) and fix one 128-bit plaintext block (Pt1) and x-bit key (K1) by your choice


(2)   Encrypt AES-x (Pt1, K1) and get ciphertext Ct1. You need to printout all the round values


(3)   Decrypt AES-x^{-1} (Ct1, K1) and recover Pt1. You need to printout all the round values.

Verify you can recover original plaintext


(4)   Make 1bit difference in Pt1 denoted by Pt2

Using Pt2 and K1, repeat step (1) to step(3) again


Due : Mar 24 by Hardcopy