Goal : Practice RSA-based blind signature programming with multi-precision library


Problem: When p=885320963 and q=238855417 (as announced at lecture note of RSA) are given,


1.     Construct RSA public key cryptosystem of a signer, i.e.. determine the value of n (=p*q) ,  e (public key) and d (private key).

2.     User wants to get blind signaute of  a Message (=m) which is

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."

3.     User will get hashed message using SHA-1, h(m).

4.     User  will blind message with k in Zn*.

5.     Signer will sign.

6.     User will un-blind  blinded message.

7.     User can verify the original signature with signers private key.


Programming language: you can choose

Deadline: May 11 (Tue.) 12 AM

Submission: Send the report and file (containing the result of program and source code) by e-mail to TA(junhyunv@gmail.com)


Don’t forget to write your name on it.

Don't be late. Delayed submission is not allowed.

If you can program multi-precision library by yourself very efficiently, you can get A+.

 If you have any question, don't hesitate to contact TA.