ICE605 - Modern Cryptography


Lecture Notes 
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6/2 Final Grade

The grade was posted. You could find your answer sheet of final exam from TA office (R504). If have any question or objection, please let TA know.
If there is no objection till midnight 3th June, we finalize your grade on 4th June.

ID Name HW(15) Quiz (10) Exam ¡¡ ¡¡ Total Grade
    Midterm(20) Final(25) Project(25) attend(5)
20062534 ¡¡ 15.00 10.00 18.40 20.00 18.00 5.00 86.40 A+
20072025 ¡¡ 14.25 10.00 16.60 18.75 20.00 5.00 84.60 A0
20072036 ¡¡ 13.05 5.00 14.20 15.00 20.00 4.50 71.75 B0
20072512 ¡¡ 12.75 10.00 13.80 18.50 19.00 5.00 79.05 A-
20072564 ¡¡ 12.60 10.00 13.80 18.50 15.00 5.00 74.90 B+
20082058 ¡¡ 14.10 10.00 14.80 18.25 22.00 5.00 84.15 A0
20082065 ¡¡ 13.80 5.00 15.20 17.75 21.00 5.00 77.75 B+
20082114 ¡¡ 14.25 10.00 19.00 21.25 20.00 5.00 89.50 A+
20082115 ¡¡ 11.10 4.50 10.00 11.00 18.00 4.50 59.10 C+
2008F007 ¡¡ 10.95 5.00 15.80 16.00 18.00 5.00 70.75 B0


The schedule of Final Exam is fixed. 28(Wed), May, 2008.
Also the order of TP final presentation is :
19(Mon), May, 2008 : À¯¸íÇÑ, ¼ÕÈ£½Ä, H. Abdali, H. Chang, ÃÖÀ翵
21(Wed), May, 2008 : ±èÅÂÈ«, ½Å½Â¸ñ, ¹®Çý¶õ, ÃÖÀÓ¼º, Çã°æ¿ì


For your reference, the proposal & presentation of your classmates were uploaded in the Lecture Note section.


All lecture notes are available in the Lecture Note.


Lecture Schedule :
There is no lecture on 17 (Mon), March because of professor's unexpected business trip. The supplementary class will be announced later.

Students who were not submitted term project proposal (softcopy), please send me as soon as possible.


Term Project Proposal :
The due date of term project proposal was  3/10(Mon) before starting lecture. All students prepare and submit a softcopy to TA(tank(at)
till 11:55pm, 13(Thursday), March, 2008. The file name should contain your student ID and name as example: ex)


Lecture Note #6 was uploaded.


Lecture Note #4, 5 were uploaded.


Lecture Note #3 was uploaded.


Lecture Note #2 was uploaded.


Lecture Note #1 was uploaded.


Course homepage is opened. All of you had better to check this homepage frequently.