ICE605 - Modern Cryptography


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3/2 HW #1 (Due : Wed. Mar.7, 2007 before class)

Solve Exercise 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.11 in main text book.

1.5 Use exhaustive key search to decrypt the following ciphertext, which was encrypted using Shift Cipher:

1.6 If an encryption function eK is identical to the decryption function dK , then the key K is said to be an involutory key. Find all the involutory keys in the Shift Cipher over Z26.

1.7 Determine the number of keys in an Affine Cipher over Zm for m = 30, 100 and 1225.

1.11 (a) Suppose K = (a, b) is a key in an Affine Cipher over Zn. Prove that K is an involutory key if and only if a-1 mod n = a and b(a+1) = 0 (mod n).
(b) Determine all the involutory keys in the Affine Cipher over Z15.
(c) Suppose that n = pq, where p and q are distinct odd primes. Prove that the number of involutory keys in the Affine Cipher over Zn is n+p+q+1.


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