Intro. to Information Security


Lecture Notes 
Useful Links 

8/16 Final Exam Score is posted

Final exam score is posted in front of R504, Research wing.

If you want to get your final exam answer sheet, visit TAs from 2pm - 3pm on Thursday and Friday.

8/9 Solution of Final Exam

Refer to
**. Solution of Final exam

8/4 Final Exam announcement

Final exam will be taken on August 09 (Wed), 9:00-10:30 at Supex Hall.
- The examination style will be the same with Mid-term exam's style.
- You can carry your calculator.
- Cheating is NOT allowed!!

8/3 Final Exam (updated)

Final exam contents will cover from after Mid-term Exam till the last lecture.
- Examination style is same as Mid-term exam.

7/31 Final Exam

Final exam will be taken on August 09, 9:00-10:30. Location will be announced soon.
- You can carry your calculator
- No cheating is allowed!!

7/31 Homework #6

Homework #6 is announced:
Computer programming using Mathematica
(1) Prob. 11 page 199
(2) Prob. 1 page 255

Due: 08/07 (Monday) to the box in front of R504, Research wing (Hardcopy)

7/26 Homework #5

Homework #5 is announced:
Using the handouts, check how to use Shanks' algorithm to find log3175 when p=809

Due: 07/31 (Monday) before starting Lecture (Hardcopy)

7/24 Lecture Note

Invited Lecture
Senior Researcher Deok-Young Jung will present Understanding Kernel and Applying to Securities.

7/19 Homework #4

Homework #4 is announced:
Given RSA cryptosystem with p=5, q=7 and two exponents e1=5 and e2=3. Demonstrate Common Modulus Attack to decrypt a ciphertext.

7/12 Lecture Note

Update Lecture Note
Please study following lecture note before attending the class.
9. 2006.7.19
10. 2006.7.26
11. 2006.7.31
12. 2006.8.2

7/12 Solution of Midterm Exam

Refer to
**. Solution of Midterm exam

7/10 Midterm Exam

Mid-term exam will be taken at L605 on July 12, 10:00-11:15
 - Style of exam : 1. Mark O(True) or X(False)
                                    2. Insert a word in (  )
          - You can carry your calculator
          - No cheating is allowed!!

7/6 Supplementary Lecture & Lecure Room

          We will have a supplementary lecure on 10, July, Mon 10:00AM~.
          And the lecure room is L605 (School Affair had a mistake for           arranging the lecture room in last lecure).

7/4 Lecture Note

Update Lecture Note
8. 2006.7.5

7/3 Homework #3

Homework #3 announced in 7/3(Mon).
(1) P.147, Exercise 7
(2) P.149, 4.10 Computer Program
      - 1(a), 1(b) and 1(c) with hardcopy of your program
      - Any language is welcome.

 Due :
7/10 (Mon) before starting Lecture (HARDCOPY)

6/29 Lecture Note

Update Lecture Note
7. 2006.7.3

6/26 Homework #2

Homework #2 announced in 6/26(Mon).
 Solve problems in main textbook p.104 : 2, 3, 6 and p.106 : 18

 Due :
7/3 (Mon) before starting Lecture (HARDCOPY)

6/26 Lecture Note & Errata sheet

Update Lecture Note & Errata sheet for main textbook
6. 2006.6.28

*. Errata

6/22 Homework #1

Homework #1 announced in 6/21(Wed).
 Solve problems in main textbook p.55 : 2, 5, 7.
 Due :
6/26 (Mon) before starting Lecture (HARDCOPY)

6/22 Supplement of the TA & Announcement

There is supplement of the TA in this course.
Vo Duc Liem, v d l i e (042)866-6234 , R504

If you have any questions please please send 2 TA e-mail.
And please make the title of your e-mail to start with "[ICE1212]Your Purpose"

6/21 Lecture Note

Update Lecture Note
2. Internet Voting(VOTOPIA Lessons)

3. Security Jargon

4. 2006.6.21

5. 2006.6.26

6/21 Main Text book

The main text book of this course is available at ICU bookstore.

6/19 Course Homepage Open

Course homepage is opend.  All of you had better to check this homepage frequently.